Transfer Agreements
A transfer agreement is an understanding between two academic institutions that courses or a program offered at one institution will be accepted for transfer credit at the partnering institution. The transfer agreement is the way in which colleges work together to make a seamless path from one program level to another. For instance, some programs at Kennebec Valley Community College have articulation agreements with other colleges. In many cases, this means that upon completion of a certificate or degree from KVCC, you may continue your studies (full-time or part-time) to complete an associate or bachelor’s degree without loss of credits already earned. KVCC has transfer agreements with the University of Maine System, as well as other public and private colleges and universities. Transfer assistance is available to help students who wish to continue their education after KVCC. See the Transfer Agreement Guide for a list of transfer agreements.
Many college students receive their first two years of education at institutions such as KVCC because the tuition rates is lower at Maine’s community colleges. The cost savings of this approach makes college possible for many people who thought they would be unable to continue their education.