Annual Security Report

The Jeanne Clery Act

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Kennebec Valley Community College distributes an Annual Security Report to all current faculty, staff and students and notice of availability to prospective students, staff and faculty.

  • This report contains statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
  • The report also incorporates institutional policies concerning campus security, including Reporting of Crimes and Other Emergencies, Safety Notification Procedure, Campus Law Enforcement, and Campus Sexual Assault Program; information regarding the available educational programs that address campus security procedures and practices, crime prevention; information regarding drug and alcohol policies; and other matters.

This report is prepared annually by the Director of Campus Safety & Security and the Dean of Students.  It includes information regarding campus safety and security, and the crime statistics for the past three years. A log of criminal activity and/or incidents is maintained by the Director of Campus Safety & Security.  The information from this log, in conjunction with a report from the Fairfield Police Department, creates the basis for reporting incidents on campus, on surrounding roads and walk ways, and at off campus College events. This report is available on the College’s website by the first of October. An e-mail is generated to the campus community highlighting the availability of the Annual Security Report and encouraging the reporting of all incidents.

Annual Security Report

Click on the link below to access our annual security report.

2024 Annual Security Report

2023 Annual Security Report & Statistics

2022 Annual Security Report

2022 Report Appendix: Maine Community College System Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure

2021 Annual Security Report

Annual Crime Statistics

Click on the links below for KVCC crime statistics.

2021 Crime Data: Fairfield Campus
2021 Crime Data: Alfond Campus

2020 Crime Data –includes data for all campuses and remote sites

2019 Crime Data–Fairfield Campus –includes data for the Buker Community Center and Mid-Coast School of Technology

2019 Crime Data–Alfond Campus

To view any of the PDF files above, you’ll need to download and install the free Acrobat Reader. Get Acrobat Reader

Those wishing a paper copy of this report should contact the Director of Campus Safety & Security at 453-5116 or e-mail


This index will take you to specific topics regarding Campus Safety & Security:

Campus Crime Alerts & Timely Warnings

Reporting Crimes

Reporting Suspicious Activity

Voluntary and Confidential Crime Reporting

Building Security and Access

Campus Safety and Security Authority

Emergency Response Plan Dissemination (Evacuation & Lockdown Procedures)

Crime Prevention and Safety Programs

Drugs and Alcohol

College Procedure on Sexual Assault

Crisis Hotline & Emergency Contact Numbers

Victims of Sexual Assault

Registered Sex Offenders 

Campus Alerts & Timely Warnings

In an effort to provide a safe environment for students and employees,  Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of this community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate an emergency.

Campus Alerts will be promptly and properly disseminated to the College community, and other entities deemed relevant through the College’s website, electronic mail, posters, flyers, campus monitors, text blasting, voice notification systems located in classrooms, open areas and parking areas. These alerts will be made by a member of the College’s Emergency Response Team (ERT).

Reporting Crimes

Victims or witnesses of a crime should contact Timothy “Tug” McDonald, Director of Campus Safety & Security and/or the respective police department having jurisdiction as soon as they are aware that a crime has been, or is being, committed on or near the campus.

A crime may be reported for either campus by:

  • Contacting Campus Safety & Security in person (Room 113 King Hall, Fairfield Campus, or Room 123 Averill on the Alfond Campus)
  • Calling Campus Safety & Security at 453-5811
  • Calling the Fairfield Police Department at 453-9321

 A crime may be reported for the KVCC satellite location at the Buker Community Center by:

  • Calling the Augusta Police Department at 626-2370
  • Calling Campus Safety & Security at 453-5811 (KVCC Safety & Security does not routinely patrol the satellite location at Buker Community Center)

A crime may be reported for the KVCC satellite location at the Mid-Coast School of Technology in Rockland by:

  • Calling the Rockland Police Department at 594-0316
  • Calling Campus Safety & Security at 453-5811 (KVCC Safety & Security does not routinely patrol the satellite location at the Rockland site)

Reporting Suspicious Activity

Students and employees are urged to report criminal or suspicious activity that occurs on campus, in the areas immediately surrounding the campus and at events sponsored by the College that occur at a different location.

  • Contact the KVCC Director of Safety & Security at 453-5116.
  • In the event that you are unable to reach this individual, contact the College’s general security/plant maintenance number at 660-2600.

Voluntary and Confidential Crime Reporting

If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action at KVCC or through the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report. With your permission, any KVCC employee can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity or the identity of others. The purpose of a confidential report is to allow the College to take steps to ensure the future safety of our students.  With this information, the College can keep accurate records of the number of crimes involving students on campus, determine if there is a pattern of crime and alert the campus community to potential danger.  Reports of crimes filed in this manner are counted and disclosed with the College’s Annual Crime Statistics Report.

Building Security and Access

Campus buildings and facilities are accessible to the campus community, guests and visitors during normal business hours. Exterior doors on campus buildings are locked and secured after normal operating hours. Access is available to college employees. Buildings are also open on weekends and holidays on an as-needed basis.

KVCC is committed to maintaining a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff that extends to maintenance issues such as campus landscaping, lighting, and door locks.  College employees, facilities maintenance staff, and our evening security officer routinely check the campus for maintenance, safety, and security issues.  All members of the campus community are encouraged to report any issues to the Director of Safety & Security at 453-5811 or the Plant Maintenance staff at 660-2600.

Campus Safety & Security Authority

College officials have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether individuals have lawful business at KVCC. (Campus security has the authority to issue parking tickets which are billed to the financial accounts of students.)  No KVCC personnel are authorized to arrest.  Criminal incidents are referred to the Fairfield Police Department who have jurisdiction at KVCC, and to the Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action.  KVCC has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Fairfield Police Department and maintains a highly professional working relationship between campus security and the local police department.  All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report any crime to the Director of Campus Safety & Security (453-5811) and/or the Fairfield Police Department (453-9321), Augusta Police Department (626-2370), or Rockland Police Department (594-0316).  Prompt reporting will assure Campus Crime Alerts for the campus community and the accurate disclosure of Clery Act crime statistics.

When a KVCC student is involved in an off-campus offense, campus officials may assist with the investigation in cooperation with the local police department.  The local police department routinely works and communicates with KVCC Safety and Security on incidents occurring on-campus, in the immediate neighborhood and business areas surrounding our campus.

Emergency Response Plan Dissemination

The following information regarding notification of an incident, evacuation & lockdown procedures and enhanced areas of refuge is:

  • presented at Student Orientation & Registration (SOAR) sessions. These sessions are required for all students new to KVCC.  In addition to the presentation, a flyer with this information is disseminated with each SOAR folder;
  • posted on each bulletin board on campus (including classrooms, labs and common areas);
  • available on the KVCC Website, and
  • reviewed at the beginning of each semester in every class by faculty.  Faculty are required to participate in trainings presented by the Emergency Response Team each semester.

Click here for the Emergency Response Plan Overview.

Click here for Evacuation & Lockdown Procedures.

Crime Prevention and Safety Programs

Crime prevention at KVCC is based on minimizing or eliminating criminal opportunities and encouraging students and employees to be responsible for their own safety/security and the safety/security of others.  The College conducts crime prevention programs upon request to educate the KVCC community on measures the community can take to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of crime. A Security Officer is available during evening hours conducting regular patrols of the campus.  Students may contact the Security Officer by calling 453-5811.

Drugs and Alcohol

The use, possession, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is prohibited on college property or at college related events, as is being under the influence or knowingly in the presence of drugs or alcohol while on college property or at college-related events under the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the code may result in sanctions up to and including dismissal from the College.

For more information about drug and alcohol policies on campus, contact the Enrollment Center at (207) 453-5822 for a copy of “What Every Student and Employee of the Maine Community College System Should Know About the Use of Alcohol and Illegal drugs”. This pamphlet is also shared in the New Student Folder sent at the time of acceptance to the College.

Students (who have alcohol or other substance abuse issues) are strongly encouraged to contact their medical provider, a certified substance abuse counselor, or, if in crisis, the Maine Statewide Crisis Hotline at 1-888-568-1112.  Students may also request that Student Services staff make this contact for them.

Personal counseling is available to students through a referral system to a local clinician.  Personal issues and concerns will be discussed in complete confidentiality.  Please contact the Dean of Students at 453-5019 for more information.

College Procedure on Sexual Assault

Any behavior that constitutes a sexual assault under this policy will subject the offender to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, whether or not criminal charges are filed and without regard to whether the conduct occurred on or off campus.  In addition, sexual assault, rape and other sexual offenses are illegal under Maine criminal statutes and may be separately prosecuted in a court of law.

Sexual assault occurs when a person performs or compels another person to perform any sexual act or to have any form of sexual contact without consent.  Rape is a specific kind of sexual assault that involves any vaginal, oral, anal, or urethral penetration with any body part or object without consent.  Consent requires mutually understandable and communicated words and/or actions demonstrating agreement to participate in the proposed sexual act.  Failure to object does not constitute consent.  Consent does not exist where it is not expressly given.  Consent cannot be given by a person with a mental impairment (ex. from alcohol or drug use), or when the victim is physically helpless (ex. when asleep or incapacitated).  Consent can also not be given where there are threats or intimidation.  Attempted sexual assault or rape occurs when a person intends to commit the offense and engages in conduct that could lead to it.

The College can refer victims of sexual offenses to counseling support and police assistance, if desired.  Care and consideration of the victim’s wishes will be taken into account throughout the intervention process.  Individuals who feel that they are victims of any sexual offense are urged to file a complaint with the Fairfield Police Department (453-9321), Augusta Police Department (626-2370), or Rockland Police Department (594-0316), the Director of Safety & Security (453-5811) or the Dean of Students (453-5019).  Reports made to the Director of Safety & Security or the KVCC Security Officer are shared with the Dean of Students for disciplinary review and/or action.

The College strongly recommends that all victims seek immediate medical assistance. A victim may have internal or external injuries and may need treatment for disease or infection.  Additionally, the College strongly recommends that all victims seek counseling and emotional assistance.  A full range of support services can be initiated through the Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Center by calling 1-800-871-7741.

KVCC’s standards of conduct and the student disciplinary process are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, which is available online.  The College’s procedures for disciplinary action in cases that involve sexual offenses comply with the Higher Education Amendment (HEA) of 1992.  In those cases required by the HEA, the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunity to have others present during the investigative interview and/or during an Appeal Committee hearing and attendant proceedings.  For further information about the disciplinary system, contact the Dean of Students at 453-5019.

Crisis Hotline & Emergency Phone Numbers

Important phone numbers for victims of sexual assault:

Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Line (1-800-871-7741 or TTY 1-888-458-5599)

Family Violence Project

  • Augusta Crisis Line (623-3569)
  • Waterville Crisis Line (877-0835)
  • Skowhegan Crisis Line (474-8860)
  • Toll Free Crisis Line (1-877-890-7788)

Fairfield Police Department

In the event of a medical emergency or an incident that involves an immediate threat, contact 911 directly.

  • Emergency (Dial 911)

If 911 is called for anything other than a medical emergency, please have someone call the Emergency Response Team (453-5700) while you are on the phone with 911 operators.

In the event of a non-emergency incident, contact the general number for the Fairfield Police Department (453-9321), Augusta Police Department (626-2370), or Rockland Police Department (594-0316). 


Emergencies on Campus

The following campus contacts may be used to report an incident on campus.

  • Director of Campus Safety & Security (453-5811 or 431-4197)
  • KVCC Evening Security Officer (453-5811)
  • KVCC Emergency Response Team (453-5700)

Calls to the Emergency Response Number(453-5700) initiate the Emergency Response Team. Contact this number in the event of an incident that involves a threat to self, others or the campus.

If 911 is called for anything other than a medical emergency, please have someone call 453-5700 while you are on the phone with 911 operators.

Victims of Sexual Assault

The College strongly recommends that victims of sexual assault:

  • Seek immediate medical assistance. A victim may have internal or external injuries and may need treatment for disease or infection.
  • Report such acts to the KVCC Director of Safety & Security, Evening Security Officer, the Dean of Students, and/or the Fairfield Police Department.  Filing a report with the police provides the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution that cannot be obtained later.
  • Ideally a victim of sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing prior to a medical exam and sexual crimes investigation kit administered by trained hospital personnel.
  • At the victim’s request, security officers or college administrators will assist in the notification of local law enforcement. The College’s disciplinary system may proceed against any alleged violator of KVCC policy, whether or not state or federal criminal proceedings exist or are pending.
  • Seek counseling and/or emotional assistance and support. The College can assist you with this.  Speaking with a trained counselor can be critical to the emotional or mental well-being of the victim following a trauma.
  • The College will consider requests for changes in academic accommodations and work with victims to reach a reasonable solution.

Registered Sex Offenders

In compliance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, members of the KVCC community may click here to access the Maine Sex Offender Registry at their website for information concerning registered sex offenders.

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